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Shelby Rome and Jacqueline Varney- Panhellenic Scholarship Recipients
Shelby and Jacqueline were selected as 2024 Greater Kansas City Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship recipient.
Shelby (Left):
Attended Lansing High School
Gamma Phi Beta, University of Kansas - B.A in Microbiology
Major: currently pursuing a Nursing degree from MidAmerica Nazarene University
Jacqueline (Right):
Lansing High School
Gamma Phi Beta, Kansas State University
Major: Organizational Management with a Certificate in Professional Strategic Selling
Congratulations, ladies!
Congratulations to our 2020 Women of the Year, Cathy Jacoby Boomer.
Cathy is honored to be selected as the Gamma Phi Beta Woman of the Year representative! She is a proud member of Sigma Chapter, and graduated from the University of Kansas in 1983. She owns Signature Funerals, offering families another choice for their funeral care. Cathy married a K- Stater and they have four children, one daughter-in-law and two grandgirls who that live all across the country.
Cathy loved living in the Gamma Phi house, and meeting women from all across the state, many who she stays in contact with today. Being involved with the local alumnae chapter has brought back many memories about their rituals and traditions. Cathy is amazed at the Gamma Phi KC alumnae efforts to support GPhi chapters across Kansas and Missouri! Cathy is proud to be a Gamma Phi Beta and love the friendships that came out of her experience!
Favorite Sorority Memory:
So so many, but my freshman year, all ages of Gamma Phi’s tried to go to the KU/Nebraska game in Lincoln, but we got snowed in Hamburg, Iowa about noon and had to spend the night. The townspeople started calling their sons and directing them all to the “restaurant” that we were hanging out!
In Loving Memory - Dorothy Caroline Hemenway
With great sadness, we announce the loss of Dorothy Caroline Hemenway. She was a proud member of Alpha Delta Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta.
Memorial donations to Dottie's favorite charities may be made in her name: Gamma Phi Beta Foundation Alpha Delta Chapter, 12737 E. Euclid Drive, Centennial, CO 80111-6445 gammaphibeta.org
Click here to read more about Dorothy’s life. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/stltoday/name/dorothy-hemenway-obituary?pid=197579497
Shelby Clark selected as 2019 Panhellenic Scholarship Recipient
Shelby was initiated into KU Sigma Chapter in 2016 and will be a fifth year Chemical Engineering student. “As a member of Gamma Phi Beta for nearly four years, I have been able to witness the ideals and purposes of Gamma Phi – love, labor, learning, and loyalty – strengthen my college experience and lead me to success as a student at the University of Kansas. First and foremost, my desire to learn is what brought me to KU. Conveniently, Gamma Phi is a short 3-minute walk from the engineering school! I knew early on I wanted to study chemical engineering and pre-med and am interested in oncology. KU was one of few schools that offered a curriculum for this path. My ultimate dream would be accepted into a PhD/MD program so I may practice and also continue oncology research.”
Diane Zarda Selected as 2018- 2019 Gamma Phi Beta Woman of the Year
Diana Zarda * Woman of the Year 2018-2019
Diana was initiated into the KU Sigma Chapter in 1982. She has a daughter and son plus recently welcomed a new grandson! She is employed with Hiland Dairy Foods (formerly Zarda Dairy) as Account-Development Manager and they provide dairy products for Girls on the Run, our international philanthropy. While at KU she served as Pledge Director and Panhellenic VP, and most recently served on the Sigma 100 Year Anniversary Committee. As a member of the GKC Alumnae Chapter Executive Board, she served as Founders Day Chair six years, growing guests to over 100 sisters and most recently she served as Alumnae Data Purge Coordinator. Diana received the Antique, Garden & Home Design Show IIKE Award for outstanding dedication to the show. Within the community she has participated in Jazzoo Planning Committee for eighteen years and the GKC Restaurant Association for twenty years. Diana received the Silver Service Award and Allied Director of the Year and is a member of Forks & Corks, Stems and SAE Parents Club VP.
Greater KC Alumnae Chapter Recognized at International Convention!
Board President Nancy Kuehler proudly accepted the Alumnae Panhellenic Excellence Award on behalf of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter at the 2018 International Convention.
Board President Nancy Kuehler proudly accepted the Alumnae Panhellenic Excellence Award on behalf of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter at the 2018 International Convention being held in Dallas, June 27 - June 30.
February is NPC Scholar of the Month, Let's Celebrate!
Greater Kansas City Alumnae Panhellenic is hosting a VIRTUAL Stella & Dot style session
Greater Kansas City Alumnae Panhellenic is hosting a VIRTUAL Stella & Dot style session
Share the link below with sisters locally or across the country, and our stylist will donate 100% of her commission to the GKCAP Scholarship Fund. It is a fun and easy way to shop for a great cause!
Shop online from February 18 through February 28 by using this special link https://www.stelladot.com/ts/yh643
Girl's on the Run Board Chair Opportunity
We are looking for a Girl's on the Run Chair, to be the liaison between the executive board and the GOTR executive council. Other duties include securing donors for energy food the day of the events in Spring and Fall. This could be the perfect co-chair opportunity for two sisters! Contact Nancy Kuehler for more information.
Kansas State Chapter Advisor Search
Beta Upsilon is on the search for a permanent chapter advisor beginning Fall 2018. If you are interested, please contact Katie Munsil, interim chapter advisor, or our Regional Coordinator, Anna Starks, at your earliest convenience.